We are recruiting motivated PhD students with strong mathematical background to work with us on topics aligned with our lab’s ‘research directions’. Master’s and undergraduate students within Vanderbilt University and visiting scholars are always welcome.
If you are interested in being part of the MINT Lab, please contact Soheil at: soheil (dot) kolouri (at) vanderbilt (dot) edu. Below are some general suggestions when contacting via email:
- Use a subject line as follows: {$position} Position - {$YourName}
- where {$position} should be “Postdoc”, “PhD”, “MS”, “BS”, or “Visiting”
- e.g., If I were applying for a PhD position I would use the subject “PhD Position - Soheil Kolouri”
- Provide a few sentences to introduce yourself and express your interest in the position
- Attach your CV/Resume, including the following (if applicable):
- GPA/ranking, GRE/TOEFL scores, publications/research experience, selected relevant courses you have taken
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you!